VOLUME 41 - NUMBER 1 - 2020

Spontaneous transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia: clinical considerations and management

  • Lonardo M.T., Frezzotti F., Collalti M., Natili A., Metere A.
  • Clinical practice, 099-102
  • Full text PDF

  • Most diaphragmatic ruptures are due to the traumatic or penetrating injury, while the spontaneous diaphragmatic rupture is considered uncommon. The spontaneous transdiaphragmatic hernia is a consequence of violent coughing, vomiting that increase the thoracoabdominal pressure causing the diaphragmatic rupture. Even rarer is the concomitant prolapse of abdominal viscera into the thoracic subcutis through the chest wall, a condition known as spontaneous transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia. Herein, we present a rare case of spontaneous transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia presenting as a thoracoabdominal emergency.

  • KEY WORDS: Transdiaphragmatic intercostal hernia - Bochdalek hernia - Intercostal hernia.