VOLUME 40 - NUMBER 2 - 2019

An enhanced outpatient modality for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease: preliminary results

  • Perivoliotis K., Spyridakis M., Zintzaras E., Arnaoutoglou E., Pramateftakis M.G., Tepetes K.
  • Methods, Techniques, Drugs, 153-157
  • Full text PDF

  • Surgical treatment of haemorrhoids is, primarily, performed on an outpatient basis, and as so, the reduction of the operative time and the hospitalization duration is necessary. In order to achieve these results, both the surgical procedure and the anaesthesia modality should be optimized. Therefore, in this randomized controlled trial, we proposed the hemorrhoidal arteries ligation under pudendal nerve block, as an enhanced outpatient modality, versus the standard of doppler guided hemorrhoidal arteries ligation under spinal anaesthesia. Preliminary results showed that the experimental group was characterized by a similar to the control arm, symptoms remission rate, a lower operation duration and an improved postoperative recovery.

  • KEY WORDS: Hemorrhoids - Ligation - Ultrasound - Hemorrhoidopexy.