VOLUME 39 - NUMBER 2 - 2018

The use of local anesthesia to perform lower limb revascularization in the fragile patient with critical limb ischemia

  • Kontopodis N., Papaioannou A., Tavlas E., Papadopoulos G., Lioudaki S., Tzirakis K., Ioannou C.V.
  • Original Article, 077-081
  • Full text PDF

  • Patients with critical limb ischemia are usually compromised, frequently making administration of general or regional anesthesia problematic. We treated 3 fragile patients presenting contraindications to undertake traditional anesthetic techniques for lower limb revascularization, in whom local anesthesia with conscious sedation was used to complete the operation. An axillo-bifemoral, a unilateral axillo-femoral and a femoro-femoral bypass were performed. Procedure was uneventful in all three cases despite the coexistence of specific surgical challenges (distal anastomosis at the profunda in two cases, redo surgery and scarred groin in the third). Surgical revascularization under local anesthesia may be considered in selected high risk patients.

  • KEY WORDS: Limb salvage - Perioperative risk - Local anesthesia.