VOLUME 34 - NUMBER 11-12 - 2013

Safety and efficacy of saphenectomy in elderly patients

  • Milone M., Maietta P., Bianco P., Pisapia A., Shatalova O., Taffuri C., Salvatore G., Musella M., Milone F.
  • Original Article, 317-319
  • Full text PDF

  • Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate safety and efficacy of saphenactomy in elderly patients.

    Patients and methods. A total of 358 patients with varicose veins of the lower limbs treated between January 2001 and December 2011. 213 of these were patients under 65 years old and 145 patients were over this age. We have evaluated short- and long-term complications to compare the results among young and elderly patients.

    Results. Postoperative complications that occurred were: infection, haematoma, nerve injury (paresthesia and pain) and deep vein thrombosis. Although a trend towards better results was observed among the young patients, no significant differences were shown in our experience.

    Conclusion. Elective saphenectomy has a good outcome also in the elderly patients. The slightly higher rate of complications that occurred in older patients is not significant and does not support advising against the use of this surgical approach in the elderly. So in our opinion saphenectomy is quite safe and feasible also in patients over 65 years.

  • KEY WORDS: Varicose veins - Venous insufficiency - Saphenectomy - Vein stripping.