VOLUME 30 - NUMBER 51 - 2009

Carcinoidi intestinali: aspetti con clisma-TC del tenue con macchina multidetettore

  • Venturino M., Cavallo L., Damonte G., Noceti A., Perata O., Piccardo A.
  • Articolo Originale, 071-077
  • Full text PDF

  • Aim: Purpose of this study is to highlight the signs multidetector computed tomography enteroclysis MDCT-E of carcinoid, compare them with International literature and evaluate the contribution of the MDCT-E in the menagement of these malignancies.

    Method: Were retrospectively analyzed 8 cases of carcinoid studied with MDCT-E by two radiologists who assessed presence of parietal thickening, extraluminal mass, calcification, the desmoplastic reaction, CT signs on angle of bend, eventual fistulas and bowel obstruction, vascular involvement, lymph nodes presence and liver metastases presence. The final diagnosis was based on surgical excision, videolaparoscopic biopsy and comparison between of laboratory tests, the CT and scintigraphy examination.

    Results: Carcinoid origin was ileus in 5 cases, jejuneum in 1 case, ileum caecal valve in 1 case and sigma in 1 case.

    Conclusion: Carcinoid are tumors relatively rare and produce serotonin, causing carcinoid syndrome when metastasized to the liver. Their origin can be the lungs, stomach, ileus and colon. There is often delay in diagnosis and 5-year survival was 67.2% overall. Concerning the prognosis the worse are the tumours starting from ileum. The main differential diagnosis are lymphoma, the GIST and carcinoma. Our experience on the CT in the study of carcinoid follows as shown in the literature. The MDCT-E it was found very useful in the management of patients.

  • KEY WORDS: multidetector computed tomography enteroclysis MDCT-E, carcinoid tumor.