VOLUME 30 - NUMBER 4 - 2009

Metachronous Paget’s disease of the breast: case report

  • Gubitosi A., Moccia G., Malinconico F.A., Iside G., Gilio F., Cognetti C., Foroni F., Docimo G., Ruggiero R., Docimo L., Agresti M.
  • Clinical Case, 153-155
  • Full text PDF

  • Versione Italiana: Vengono riportati due casi clinici di pazienti entrambi affetti da fistola aorto-duodenale. In entrambi i era stato posizionato uno stent aortica rispettivamente 1,9 e 5 anni prima. La febbre ed il dolore addominale sono stati i sintomi di esordio clinico in entrambi i malati e l’angio-TC confermava la diagnosi. L’intervento chirurgico è stato risolutivo ed i pazienti sono stati dimessi rispettivamente in 38 e 29 giornata post-operatoria. Essi sono vivi rispettivamente a 20 e 21 mesi dall’intervento. Se effettuato tempestivamente dopo la diagnosi, l’intervento chirurgico può essere risolutivo e senza mortalità.

    English version: We report on two cases of aortoduodenal fistula. The patients underwent the positioning of an aortic stent 1.9 and 5 yearsly before, respectively. They complained of fever and abdominal pain and were admitted to the hospital. A stent infection was suspected and an angio-CT confirmed the suspicion. Each patient was brought immediately to the operating room, where the fistula was individuated and resected, with closure of the aortic wall and excision of a part of the ulcerated intestinal loop involved. The infected stent was removed and an extra-anatomic bypass was performed. The patients survived and were discharged from hospital 38 and 29 days after the surgery, respectively, with no postsurgical sequelae and in good health. These patients are alive and in good health respectively 18 and 19 months (mo) after the procedure. If performed immediately upon diagnosis, this technique permits achievement of an optimal result.

  • KEY WORDS: Paget disease - Breast cancer - Surgery. Malattia di Paget - Cancro della mammella - Chirurgia.